If you go through the credit process and you pass, your going to get great discounts so that $50 phone is going to be free. Your going to get discounts on all of the other phones as well so you don't need the $50 credit it doesn't apply to you, your already getting credits.
But lets say you go through the credit process and you don't pass, so now you have to purchase a $50 phone for $50 or you purchase the LG Rumor for $199, well all you have to do is Email wirelessrep@lightyear.net and give them your Lightyear Wireless account number and Representative ID number and they will give you a $50 credit for your wireless bill.
- So when they talk about free phones that is what Lightyear Wireless means, if you go to the site and you pass the credit process you have several free phone options, and if you don't pass the credit process you have $50 phone options, and you as a representative with Lightyear wireless are going to get $50 credit on your wireless bill by simply emailing that information.
Now if you port your existing number, whether your a customer or a representative, if you transfer your existing number from (AT&T , T-Mobile, Cricket, Verizon, any existing company) to Lightyear Wireless when you've done that all you have to do is email wirelessrep@lightyear.net and give them your Lightyear Wireless account number and the phone number that you have ported and they will give you a $35 credit on your wireless bill.
- So that means free activation for those of you who port your existing number, that means free phones for those who pass the credit process, or who become a representative with Lightyear Wireless and it also means no deposits, no-one has to pay a deposit with Lightyear Wireless, that's a huge advantage for our customers so we have the product to compete with other companies out there that offer great services and great quality but we also have an advantage on those companies for consumers and over 50% of the people that walk into those stores are being told they have to place deposits, the economy is wild right now.
This is the perfect time for us to offer a product that every single person in America has and now show them a way to get paid every time they pay their bill and give them advantage like free activation, like free phones, like no deposits and allow them to have the same rate plans that other companies offer and still provide the Nations Most Reliable Network. Verizon Wireless Through Lightyear Wireless.
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