Below is a photo that I crated in Photo shop to lay out exactly what it is you will receive for the $49 maintenance of your website. This has never been so visually simple. People often tell you to visit their website and state that what you see is what you get, I'm here to tell you that there is much much more than just what you see. This is the only item you have to pay for as a representative with Lightyear Wireless, It is mandatory for all representatives, think of it as a uniform that you have to wear to work or a store. Since you are opening your own store, every Verizon store that you walk into looks the same. Every Best Buy looks identical, Every Target. The same applies for Lightyear Wireless. We provide this website for you with hundreds of dollars worth of tools to make your home-based business successful. If you click on the picture at any point in time it will open a new window of the website that you can see for yourself.
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